Thursday, August 20, 2009

White House Obama Failure Congress Dems to Push Through Health Plan The Nuclear Option

This is a reprint of an email that we received and it bears having the message spread to more than just my email list. This is reprinted without permission.

Obama Banks on Congress Dems to Push Health Plan

By: Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Having stuck his neck out — through trial balloons suggesting a possible abandonment of the public option — President Barack Obama is now retreating into Fort Democrat and relying on his own party members to jam through healthcare legislation. With 60 senators and a 76-vote margin in the House, he need not compromise or even listen to Republicans.

He can invoke the so-called "nuclear option" and pass his bill in the Senate with just 50 votes and no possibility of real debate, much less a filibuster.

So no matter how low Obama's plan sinks in the polls, he feels that he can rely on his loyal troops to march in lockstep and pass his healthcare proposals.

The firestorm of protest his possible abandonment of the public option set off represented a signal to him from the party's left: We will stay with you through thick and thin, just don't compromise.

Can he pull it off? Probably. Except if the elderly block vote against him in the polls.

Already seniors oppose his plan by 32-49 in the latest FoxNews poll. If their margin of disagreement swells . . . and their anger continues to manifest in the town hall meetings and other public gatherings . . . and senators and congressmen are deluged by handwritten letters from seniors opposing the bill, there is a chance to stop it.

Ever since Franklin D. Roosevelt passed Social Security in 1937 and Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through Medicare and Medicaid in 1965, the elderly have block voted for the Democratic Party.

Their support is one of the core elements on which the party continues to rely for its political backing.

If the Democrats can be convinced that there is a real chance that healthcare reform, financed by Medicare cuts, will reverse the elderly's staunch Democratic devotion, they may not cast the fateful votes.

After all, just as education is primarily a concern for parents usually in their 20s and 30s, healthcare is mainly an issue for the elderly (particularly since all children can get insurance through the SCHIP program Bill Clinton passed).

If the elderly manifest their outrage and concern, the Democrats cannot ignore the firestorm of criticism from their traditional base.

No less a figure than Leon Trotsky once said "revolution is impossible until it becomes inevitable." That's our current situation. Stopping healthcare from passing with the top heavy Democratic majorities in both houses is clearly impossible . . . until it becomes inevitable.

That is until the seniors weigh in with massive opposition and red hot intensity.

Obama Failure and Socialism

White House Obama

White House Obama Failure Congress Dems to Push Through Health Plan The Nuclear Option

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